Brunswick High School Chorus carols at the annual tree lighting sponsored by the Brunswick Downtown Association, November 2017.

Brunswick High School Chorus carols at the annual tree lighting sponsored by the Brunswick Downtown Association, November 2017.

Douglas Park Media, Old Books, New Photos


I started Douglas Park Media to account for work I had been receiving over the transom--articles and photography for online hockey publications, coverage of court proceeding or a legislative hearing, and free lance photogrpahy--but also to scratch an itch to document, publicize, promote, and report.

This was born from various projects: a WordPress website and blog on community affairs when I was a town councilor (2009-2014), and an NCAA Div III hockey website I worked with from 2012-2014. The latter bore fruit when my sports photography led to three years (2016-19) as a contractor with Maine MileSplit. My work--prose and photos--was seen regularly on Maine's best source for reporting on Cross Country and Track & Field. Often enough my work got pinched and used elsewhere.

I had been promoting things and causes for years—mainly in areas where I had a separate interest in—but without any organizational structure and without promoting my skills as a service. Projects landed in my lap which generated income but just as often the work was from a sense of good will, to lend a hand. There is still plenty of that—regional high schools ask to make use of photos for their yearbooks, social media pages, and event promotions. Likewise land trusts and local non-profits reach out for permission when they’ve seen my works elsewhere—but now there is also structure to the value.

Read more about rates an terms here.


In 2019 I began to make an effort to sell the rare books that have been in my household for years, a by-product of the fact that both my wife and I are descendants of avid book collectors. We purchased our first home in Bath, furnished and filled with books, from her grandparents. Our second home, also furnished and filled with books, had been my childhood home. You can read more about the book business here.

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