
$225 Basic package. Typically a early test shoot followed by up to two hours shooting on location, in the Midcoast area, the towns served by Brunswick, Freeport, Morse and Mt. Ararat High Schools. Often I find the most productive way to do this is to set up two separate shoots at two locations, varying the look and feel can go a long way to provide options.

What you'll get: a test shot session if warranted, 20 to 25 digital images, edited and delivered electronically. Images sized according to your specifications (for instance, you'll want to know what your yearbook or other final user needs).

What warrants a test shoot? it definitely helps me consider the angles and points of view that will make for the best final shot. It’s also a great ice-breaker.

Travel outside Greater Brunswick may be subject to additional fees.

$225 “Plus One” package. Mom want to get in on the action? Bringing along the sibling, GF, BF, BFF. It may not take me that much more time on site but it takes much more time on the back-end. Expect an additional charge of $37 per person.

What you’ll get: the same 20-25 images of your seniors and about 5-10 additional images including the “plus one.”

Location Contribution.. A couple of years ago one of the area land trusts asked folks using land trust properties for senior photos to tag the land trust in their instagram posts—-sort of a hat tip for the good work the trusts do in providing all these beautiful back-drops. In addition to the hashtag, Douglas Park Media will make a $25 contribution from the fee for every senior portrait taken on a land trust property, or on any property maintained by an organization for public access and enjoyment.

Event Photography 

Need to document an event to promote your group's activities? Perhaps you need photos for social media or to add to your group's website to assist in outreach, fundraising, or just documenting the organization's activities.

$75/hour for shooting and processing (minimum 4 hours). $200 deposit plus any known fees.

What you'll get: 40-60 edited digital images suitable for web/social media. More images are possible on request.

Things to remember:

-I can give you more images, but more processing takes more time. Shouldn’t I spend my time on the best images?

-tell me who the important folks are so I am sure to include them;

-images to be used by your organization in print materials may benefit from a slightly different treatment in processing. Let me know if this is what you need;

-additional promotion available through my social media accounts.

Check out the Event Photography Page for some examples.

Sports, Performances, School Activities

Do you ever see great photos of your kids friends competing or performing and just wish your phone would capture the moment that way?

It takes patience, an eye, practice, and some good equipment. It also helps if the person shooting the event isn't emotionally invested in the outcome. It's hard to capture the moment while you're cheering or shouting at the top of your lungs. I've been shooting my own kid's events long enough to see that I get much better photos of the other kids than of my own.

My goal is to capture your child in action, not to report on the game or the performance. You tell me who the important characters are.

I have a vast number of examples over on the galleries page. But here are a few favorites of mine, no coincidence that they also rate high on the numbers of visitors matrix.

Anything Goes, the annual Spring 2023 Musical put on by the Brunswick Players. Definitely the most viewed album of the last year. Fact is I almost didn't bring my camera. Flash photography is frowned on in the theatre and the shutter can annoy those sitting nearby. But I had been messing with a new lens with the speed (f/2.8) and the reach (70-200) to make it worth the effort. Put the lens together with the great low light capabilities of a Nikon D750 enhance by the editing latitude afforded by shooting the images as RAW files and it seemed to work out all right.

And for sports, lets’ juxtapose the serenity of the Golf course with the tension filled atmosphere of a 2-1 overtime win in hockey.

$75/hour shooting and processing, travel time greater than 30 minutes at $25/hour, expenses as required (minimum fee $300/deposit $300).



-access, not all game officials welcome photographers to the sidelines. Likewise some venues limit access and movement during performances. Schools may impose other limitations.